Top 5 cities to visit in the US on a first trip

In short, here are my top 5 things to see on a first trip to the USA . But before that don’t forget to get prepared for your journey to America. For that reason you can use my article where I share few advices on how to prepare to your first trip to the US.

Top 5 cities to visit in the US on a first trip:

Visit New York

New York is the absolute inevitability of a trip to the United States . It’s simple: we believe ourselves in the setting of a giant movie from the first step in the city. Yellow taxis, sounds, colors, skyscrapers,

How to prepare to your first trip to the US

Are you planning to travel to the United States ? Good idea: this huge country is full of wonders and it is not the things to see that will be missed during your trip! To help you sort it out,here are some Ideas for your trip to the USA. USA is considered as one of the most beautiful places on the earth and attracts tourists across the globe. Enterprise car rental BWI 24 hours service in USA allows you to enjoy the nightlife also.

Find a cheap flight

As the United States is quite far from home, we tend to think that the price of airline tickets will explode the …